A Chemical Engineer's View of the Red Mud Disaster
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Red mud is the by-product of the Bayer-processing of bauxites, one of the oldest large-scale industries in the world. In 1892 Karl Joseph Bayer, an Austrian chemist, applied for a patent on the digestion of bauxite, an aluminium-containing ore, by means of a concentrated sodium hydroxide solution employed at elevated temperature and pressure, which enables dissolution of the aluminium content and its separation from other bauxite components. From the caustic solution the dissolved aluminium hydroxide can be precipitated by dilution. Then the hydroxide is subjected to calcinations to form alumina, from which metallic aluminium is produced by electrolysis. The other metallic components of bauxite, such as iron, titanium, and rare earth metals, are not dissolved during digestion, so that they form a residue, which in turn is disposed of using various amounts of caustic solution. Nowadays about 90 % of bauxite is processed using the Bayer technology.
The caustic mud containing the bauxite residue is termed “red mud”. It consists of two main components, the caustic solution and the bauxite residue. Its characteristic red colour is due to its high iron content. The creation an
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