“It is important to look deeper”
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Emily A. Carter is Founding Director of Princeton's Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment. Last year the GDCh awarded her the August Wilhelm von Hofmann Lecture at the Wissenschaftsforum in Bremen. Nachrichten aus der Chemie asked her why a theoretical chemist is going into the fields of energy and environment.
Nachrichten aus der Chemie: Most chemists see quantum chemistry as being very academic, very remote from real life. What do you think?
Emily Carter: It's actually quite wonderful: today's physical approximations and mathematical algorithms permit us to treat even highly complex samples in completely new ways — ways that afford us very good connections to many real life problems.
Nachrichten: Are you saying, then, that quantum chemistry should move farther into in the field of applications and real life problems?
Carter: Well, until we can solve the Schrödinger-Equation for all properties of interests for all sample sizes and for every element in the periodic table with equal accuracy we will still need to work on techniques. But I strongly believe that this goes hand in hand wi
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