Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


”The criterion was excellence“

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Mai 2010, S. 533-535, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Nachrichten aus der Chemie: All good things come in threes. From August 29 to September 2 the 3rd Euchems conference will take place in Nuremberg. What differences can we expect from the conferences in Budapest and Turin?

Francois Diederich: First, both those two meetings were highly successful scientifically. So we have kept some of the structures that were working so well in Budapest and Turin as our trademark, as it were — just as the ACS meetings do. They keep the same format for years. The positive resonance of Budapest 2006 and Turin 2008 certainly made recruiting top conveners and guest lecturers easier this time around. We have also preserved the vertical thematic structuring that made the two previous meetings so successful.

Nachrichten: What does this vertical structuring look like?

Andreas Hirsch: Seven main topics lend a basic structure to the event. They are each introduced by eminent plenary speakers. But at the Nuremberg congress, the panel of plenary speakers is different from that of Turin: though thoroughly international, Europe is the showcase of the plenary lecturers here.

Nachrichten: What were the criteria for choosing these sev


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