“Theory creates a world view on chemistry”
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Sason Shaik is Director of the Lise Meitner Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry. In August the GDCh awarded him the August Wilhelm von Hofmann Medal in Prague. Nachrichten aus der Chemie asked him about non-mainstream ideas and what chemistry and poetry have in common.
Nachrichten aus der Chemie: You have been awarded the August Wilhelm von Hofmann Medal, the most international award given by the German Chemical Society. Were you surprised?
Sason Shaik: Surprised? No. But pleased? Yes. I made my career with theories that are not mainstream. I used valence bond theory, and in the beginning people thought ‘Who is this guy with the useless and famously wrong theory?’ It takes time to get accustomed to new generalizing ideas. I also shifted my scientific focus several times; from organic chemical reactivity to bonding and then to metalloenzymes and now to bioinorganic chemistry. In each area I tried to contribute some general or new concepts. As a result, I have always been an outsider in every community I've worked in. But being an outsider also has advantages. Because you step aside, and you tend to see the broader picture
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