Four ionic liquid(IL, gold)-modified polymer platforms were disrupted via electrostatics and hydrogen bonding using sodium-sulfate salt & hydrochloric acid. Salt fluidizes IL-LDBC NPs (middle), releasing cation (+,red). Acid causes most anion...
Through the interface: New insights of the hydrogen evolution and oxidation reactions in aqueous solutions
Electrochemical Science Advances, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Hydrogen evolution and oxidation reactions (HER/HOR) are the most fundamental reactions in electrocatalysis. Despite the practical significance, the mechanisms of HER/HOR in aqueous solutions are still elusive. Various theories have been proposed to rationalize the pH effect, cation effect, and structure effect of HER/HOR but none of them can explain all observations. In this review, we discuss four schools of thought for the HER/HOR, focusing on the strengths and shortcomings of each hypothesis and highlighting the magnitude of electrochemical interface structure in hydrogen electrocatalysis.
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