Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Two Energetic Framework Materials Based on DNM–TNBI as Host Molecule: Effectively Coordinated by Different Cations

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

We successfully started from DNMTNBI and synthesized two different energetic framework materials by assembled with two different cations, [DNMTNBI2 ][2NH4 + ] and [DNMTNBI2 ][2K+ ]. Both of them show better thermal stabilities than DNMTNBI. At the same time, they have good detonation performance. These encouraging results give an enlightenment to achieve a good balance between energy and stability towards energetic materials.


With the demand of develop outstanding-performance energetic materials, 1-(dinitromethyl)-4,4’,5,5’-tetranitro-1H,1’H-2,2’-biimidazole (DNMTNBI) emerged as a great contender (D: 9102 m ⋅ s−1; P: 37.6 GPa). However, the relatively poor thermal stability (Td: 142 °C) limits its practical application. In this study, DNMTNBI as a host molecule to synthesize two new energetic open–framework materials by effectively coordinated with different cations. Their supramolecular structures were investigated and indicated that [DNMTNBI2 ][2NH4 + ] and [DNMTNBI2 ][2K+ ] can be classified as a new energetic hydrogen–bonded ammonium framework (EHAF) and an energetic metal organic framework (EMOF). Meanwhile, their thermal stabilities are higher than that of DNMTNBI and have satisfactory detonation performance ([DNMTNBI2 ][2NH4 + ], D: 8050 m ⋅ s−1, P: 26.4 GPa; [DNMTNBI2 ][2K+ ], D: 8301 m ⋅ s−1, P: 30.8 GPa).

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