Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Unraveling Ferroptosis Mechanisms: Tracking Cellular Viscosity with Small Molecular Fluorescent Probes

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

During #ferroptosis, the cells undergo disruption in cellular microenvironment such as #viscosity. In this review we focused on small molecular fluorescent probes that measures the dynamics of viscosity during ferroptosis.


Ferroptosis is a recently identified form of regulated cell death characterized by iron accumulation and lipid peroxidation. Numerous functions for ferroptosis have been identified in physiological as well as pathological processes, most notably in the treatment of cancer. The intricate balance of redox homeostasis is profoundly altered during ferroptosis, leading to alteration in cellular microenvironment. One such microenvironment is viscosity among others such as pH, polarity, and temperature. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of ferroptosis associated viscosity levels within organelles is crucial. To date, there are a very few reviews that detects ferroptosis assessing reactive species. In this review, we have summarized organelle's specific fluorescent probes that detects dynamics of microviscosity during ferroptosis. Also, we offer the readers an insight of their design strategy, photophysics and associated bioimaging concluding with the future perspective and challenges in the related field.

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