Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Young Chemists Summit, September 21st– 23rd, 2020

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Februar 2021, Seite 71, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Young Chemists Summit, September 21st– 23rd, 2020

Due to the current pandemic (Covid-19), there was an increased risk of infection by travelling abroad. Since we did not want to endanger the health of our speakers and the participants, the first conference of the Young Chemists Austria of the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH), which would have originally taken place in Innsbruck, Austria, was turned into an online event.

We were surprised by the high level of interest in the Young Chemists Summit and the international participation. In fact, the participants were widely scattered around the world as visible on the map on the right. We received registrations from five continents and many different countries.

The Young Chemists Summit started with the online poster session on Twitter on Monday the 14th of September. All submitted posters could be found under the hashtag #ycs20. On Monday 21st of September 2020, three workshops were offered to the participants: „Data Analysis with Python”, „Make Science Beautiful Again”, and „Industrial Scale-up”. Since it was not possible to arrange the excursions


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