Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


9th Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) In Tokyo, Japan

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Juni 2024, Seite 85, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

„Chemistry for Sustainable Food“ was the theme of the 9th Chemical Sciences and Society Symposium (CS3) held at the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) in Tokyo from 19 to 21 September, 2023. About 30 scientists from China, Germany, the UK and Japan discussed future issues from the perspective of chemistry, including „Food Engineering”, „Revolutionary Food Production“ and „Circular and Sustainable Chemistry for Food Sustainability”. The American Chemical Society (ACS) participated with two technical presentations via videocall. The results have been summarized in a white paper as recommendations for politics, science and society.
CS3 group photo at the CSJ in Tokyo. Photo: Emiko Sakurada

The German delegation included Monika Pischetsrieder (Erlangen-Nuremberg, Co-Chair), Ute Weisz (München), Markus Fischer (Hamburg) and Holger Zorn (Giessen) from the Food Chemistry Society (LChG), as well as Elisabeth Kapatsina from the GDCh office.



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