The European Chemistry Thematic Network Association (ECTN) held its annual meeting and general assembly from 7–9 April, 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.
The opening ceremony was chaired by ECTN President Sanjiv Prashar (Spain) and Livia Simon Sarkadi, the President of the Hungarian Chemical Society. IUPAC President Javier Garcia Martinez encouraged the substantive discussion with his plenary lecture “Building a more competitive Europe at molecular level” followed by several working group sessions. The ECTN working groups are engaged in developing online teaching material, lecturing qualifications and innovative teaching methods, the public image of chemistry as well as the EChemTest, the electronic self evaluation session test service run by ECTN.
Representatives from ECTN member organisations met at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences in Budapest who co-hosted the meeting together with the Hungarian Chemical Society. Foto: ECTN