EuCheMS NEWSLETTER February 2015
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
President's letter
Dear EuCheMS member,
I have just taken over as President of EuCheMS from Ulrich Schubert who did a great job in expanding the secretariat, moving it to a fine location nearer the premises of the European institutions, designing a new constitution, which has just been signed into law and developing strong links with the European Parliament and Commission through Nineta H. Majcen, EuCheMS Secretary General.
Ulrich will surely be a very hard act to follow, but I am determined to continue to build the influence of EuCheMS as the independent voice for chemistry in Europe. I also want to work closely with the EuCheMS divisions and working parties to build a strong network that can act proactively and respond nimbly and authoritatively to requests from the Parliament and Commission, and that will continue to strengthen their excellent conferences and other activities.
The European Chemistry Congresses have got off to a very good start, but I plan to make them a must for all chemists in Europe and a reference to the world of chemistry. The next ones are in Seville, 2016, and Liverpool, 2018. I very much look forward to welcoming you at t
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