Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


EuCheMS' strategic planning

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Mai 2015, Seite 601, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The last day of the General Assembly meeting in Torun, Poland, in October 2014 was mostly devoted to a facilitated session on strategic planning. A lively discussion involving members of the Executive Board, the General Assembly and some division chairs identified four main areas for immediate further development followed by the proposal to set up task groups for each area.

A task group chaired by Executive Board member Saskia van der Vies concentrates on the relationship of central EuCheMS with member societies and their individual members. This task group will also look at how diversity can be embedded in all EuCheMS activities. A second task group chaired by Executive Board member and chair of the Division for Physical Chemistry, Eckart Ruehl, pays attention to the relationship between EuCheMS and its divisions and working parties. The vision of EuCheMS — what it should be doing and how it should be staffed — is in the focus of a task group chaired by EuCheMS President David Cole-Hamilton, and EuCheMS Treasurer Franco De Angelis heads a task group on how new initiatives will be funded. These task groups will produce interim reports in June and final reports for the Ge


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